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EMB Films and Scripts

“Film making is really a chance to live many lifetimes”
Robert Altman, American film director


Both Script Writing and Film Making seem to be a perfect method of learning by doing, cooperative learning and peer education. Watching an EMB film can be thought provoking, and inspirational, on the grounds that they are students’ products.



The scripts for the EMB films were written in our home countries, in March-May 2015, either by individual writers or via brainstorming in classes or EMB clubs.  In the 3rd short-term training session in Helsinki, Finland, May 2016 the scripts were exchanged at random, so that each partner school was assigned to make a film on a partner’s script.  During the activity in some schools, the basic idea was presented by a student, the plot was written step by step in team work, and by trial and error, (concerning what sounds natural and is heard in our schools or the potential time needed for the film which would follow), the script was completed.

Each school implemented a different approach to film making. One cooperated with a Video teaching Company while others relied on students’ skills and recourses and cooperation with Art or Drama teachers. Due to the students ICT competences and familiarisation with apps and electronic devices, the process proved easier than we thought and it met even the highest expectations.
The films were presented in the 4th short-term training session in Vitoria, Spain, November 2015. Many of them were based on real cases of bullying in our schools. The students were asked to provide positive solutions to sometimes complicated matters. In all cases the solutions were imaginative or surprising and relieving. The films are characterised by versatility of techniques and approaches and through them we can see the diversity of cultures in Europe but also the way these cultures intersect and interact.



The EMB films last between 3 and 12 minutes. This makes them ideal for a 45 min. teaching period. We propose the use of a worksheet as shown in “The Help” activities, emphasising on emotions, guessing or writing different, possible endings.
Any of our EMB films can be used:

  • To raise awareness in challenging classes
  • On special anti-bullying days
  • As inspiration for new scripts and films

The EMB films can be viewed on our: