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“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof must one be silent.
The limits of my language mean the limit of my world”
Ludwig Wittgenstein, German philosopher


Comics are a modern form of literature that, compared to common novels, is highly appreciated by our students. As consumers and recipients of comics such as „Tim und Struppi“, Superman, Asterix or Donald Duck, today’s youth knows a lot about the genre’s characteristics. Unlike to the past, today comics are received as more than just simple light fiction, a fact that can also be traced back to its development since the beginning of Walt Disney’s work.
At the latest since the publishing of the comic „Maus“ by Art Spiegelman in the 80s the genre has started establishing as „Graphic Novel“ and being present in our students‘ classrooms and by now countless works of impressive literary content are being published each year.
Following the digital revolution many interactive formats have been developed in the last 10 years, which empower young people to leave the role of being only a recipient of comics and start creating their very own ones. Next to programs such as „stripgenerator“ or „makebeliefscomix“ especially „pixton“ plays an important role in creating comics today.
Because of it’s high amount of characters, layouts and visual possibilities it has become the leading format regarding the working on comics in school.



The Erasmus minus bullying  activity “pixton comics” followed our work on the film “The Help“, which dealt with the subject bullying linked to the topic of racism. Students had the task to think of alternative endings of the plot out of a more empathizing view at the main characters using “pixton“e-platform. Therefore, they had to take a critical look at the characters and motives and express their newly found insight by creating a useful sequence of images.



Creativity and a steady handling of the computer-based format are required to successfully complete this task. A notion for the right portrayal of the characters‘ gestures and facial expressions is only possible after really taking a good look at the characters‘ roles such as the bully, by stander or victim.
Students will have to use creative thinking and inquiry learning to conceive the idea and will then figure out how to use the technology through problem based learning.
Using to create comics within any classroom for any assignment meets several of the NETS-T (NET Standards for Teachers) and NETS-S (NET Standards for Students).
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, as well as  from a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.  



Students accomplish this standard by communicating their final comic strips to fellow classmates or the teacher to show an understanding of a new concept. Sharing of new concepts with fellow classmates will support the learning of others.
Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
Students meet  this standard by using critical thinking skills to plan a comic strip that will promote anti-bullying. Students also have to problem solve or troubleshoot any technology problems that might arise during the creation of the comic strip.
All in all, the benefit of interacting in an entertaining way seems to be of utmost importance in today’s classes.



  • On a steady basis in ICT lessons or Project lessons to address different school situations in an imaginative way

  • In cases of bullying incidents, as a corrective approach

The students involved may be invited to make a comic together, under the supervision of a teacher. They may be asked to give an ideal ending to the incident, which will satisfy both parties. Alternatively, they may be asked to present the facts in a comic way, in a tragic way and so on, thus shedding light to different perspectives of the issue. The procedure is probable to trigger feelings of empathy and enable deep understanding of all parameters of the incident. Given the length of the activity, enough time should be given to the students involved; they can continue on different days, at school or at home if the relationship between them seems to improve

  • As a study case in the event of a bullying incident

The basic characteristics of a real school incident can be described in a class (keeping anonymity) and the class may be assigned to make a comic strip out of it. It is a challenging approach with long term benefits. Different comic strips may appear at the end of the school year in the form of an exhibition. It can be a process of reflection for many who might identify themselves with some comic heroes or find remote similarities to their own story.

